Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Managing User Communities > Membership Users and Groups > Working with Membership Users

Working with Membership Users

This section contains the following topics.

Adding Membership Users

Adding Membership Users to a Membership User Group

Assigning Permissions for Memberships

Viewing Membership User Information

Editing Membership Users

Deleting Membership Users

Adding Membership Users

Note: If you are using the Web Alert feature, any site visitor can sign up to be a membership user. That represents another way to add membership users. For more information, see How Users Sign up for Subscriptions.

To add a new membership user, follow these steps.

1. Form the Workarea, click Settings > Community Management > Memberships > Users.

2. Click Add Membership User ().

3. The Add Membership User screen is displayed.

4. Complete the form using the following table as a reference.




Enter a unique username for the membership user.

First Name

Enter the first name of the user.

Last Name

Enter the last name of the user.

Display Name

The name that is used to identify a Membership user on the Web site. This can be different from their Username, which is the name you use to log into the Ektron CMS400.NET Web site.

Warning! This name needs to be unique inside Ektron CMS400.NET and it cannot be blank.


Enter a password for the user.

Confirm Pwd

Re-type the password to confirm it is correct.

User Language

Select the language in which the user will view Ektron CMS400.NET screens and messages. The language also determines the default value whenever a drop-down list of languages appears within Ektron CMS400.NET.

The dropdown list of choices at this field is derived from the Language Settings screen, available from the Settings> Configuration folder.

Do not confuse the system language with the user’s ability to create and edit foreign editions of content. This field does not prevent a user from working with multiple language content. See Also: Working with Multi-Language Content

Note: If the selected language is not English, French or German, it is only supported after you download the Ektron CMS400.NET Language Support Program from Ektron and translate the Web site.

Email Address

Enter an email address for the user.

Forum Editor

Determines which editor will be used when this user replies to a Discussion Board.

See Also: Using Discussion Boards on Your Web Site


An image or icon to represent the user in the Forum.

Type in a web path to image. For example: http://www.example.com/smileyface.gif

Changing Maximum File Size

By default, an avatar’s maximum size is 200 kilobytes. The height and width of the avatar is reduced 125 pixels preserving the aspect ratio.

To change the file size maximum, edit this file:


In this file, change the line shown below to the desired size:

If (numFileSize > 200) Then

For example, to allow 500kb files, change 200 to 500.

Remember, this number is in kilobytes.

Changing Default Height and Width

To change the default height and width of the avatar, edit this file:


In this file, change the following lines.

Dim Width As Integer = 125

Dim Height As Integer = 125

For example, to set avatars to a height and width of 166 pixels, change 125 to 166 in both lines.


The address used to find your location when a user is performing a search based on location.


The latitude used to find your location when a user is performing a search based on location.

Google maps provides a service that takes the address of user and returns its latitude and longitude.

Note: You don’t need to use Google’s automatic retrieval of latitude and longitude. Instead, you can enter the values manually.


The longitude used to find your location when a user is performing a search based on location.

Google maps provides a service that takes the address of content and returns its latitude and longitude.

Note: You don’t need to use Google’s automatic retrieval of latitude and longitude. Instead, you can enter the values manually.

User Groups Tab (Tab only appears when editing) - Lists user groups to which the user belongs. See Also: Assigning Users to User Groups

Custom Tab - Lists any custom user properties. See Also: Custom User Properties

Activities Tab (Tabs only appear when editing)

Note: If you disable Notifications, the Activities tab (which lets the user pick Notifications to receive and send) disappears.

Colleagues Sub Tab

Select the notifications you want to receive when a colleague performs an activity, and the agent that transmits the notification. For example, if you want to receive email notifications when a colleague posts a blog message, you would place a check mark in the box for Blog Post in the email column. See Also: Notifications

Community Groups Sub Tab

Select notifications you want to receive when a member of a community group performs an activity relating to the group, the agent that transmits the notification.

For example, you want to receive email notifications when a co-member of a community group posts a blog message to group’s blog. To enable this, place a check mark in the box for Group Blog Post in the email column.

See Also: Notifications

This tab sets preferences for all community groups.
For Developers: Ektron has created a UserGroupPreferences user control. If you add the control to a community group’s profile page, users can specify notification preferences for individual groups. This control comes with Ektron CMS400.NET and is located in:

[Drive:] \[webroot]\[siteroot]\Workarea\Notifications\Controls

In this site, when a logged in member of a community group accesses his group’s profile page, there is an Edit Group Notifications Preferences link. Clicking this link opens the user control. When the user selects his preferences, they are stored for that group only.

My Activities Sub Tab

Select notifications you want publish when performing various activities on the Web site. For example, if you want to publish notifications when you post a blog message to your blog, place a check mark in the box for Blog Post in the Publish column.

See Also: Notifications

Profile Links Tab - Lists The user's alias if community aliasing is set for users. See Also: Community URL Aliasing

5. Click Save ().

See Also: Working with Membership Users

Viewing Membership User Information

To view membership user information, follow these steps.

1. Access the membership users folder, as described in Accessing the Memberships Folder.

Note: The ek_PageSize setting in the web.config file determines the maximum number of users that can appear on a page before it “breaks.” When a page breaks, additional entries appear on another screen, and the following text appears near the bottom of the list:
Page 1 of 2[First Page] [Previous Page] [Next Page] [Last Page]

The View Users in Group All Members screen lets you add new users, as well as sort and search for existing users. See Sorting Membership Users and Searching for Membership Users.

2. Click the user you want to view.

3. The View Membership User Information screen is displayed.

From this screen, you can edit or delete membership users.

Sorting Membership Users

You can arrange users on the View Users in Group All_Members screen by clicking the following column headers:

By default, users are arranged alphabetically by Username, starting with the beginning of the alphabet. To switch that arrangement so that users whose username is last when sorted alphabetically, click the column header. To revert to the original arrangement, click the header again.

You can also sort the list by last name or first name. Like username, clicking the column header reverses the arrangement.

Searching for Membership Users

You can use the Search field (circled below) to display only users who meet your criteria. This would be especially helpful to filter out a large number of membership users.

Use the Search field to enter unique characters to find members you seek. For example, to find all members whose username includes @example.com, enter that into the Search field and click Search. Only users with those characters in that exact sequence in their username, first name, or last name appear on the screen.

You can also search by First and Last name fields. Click the down arrow to the left of the Search button to select a field to search.

The sequence of search characters must match your entry in the Search field. For example, if you are searching by last name and enter MI, anyone whose name is Smith appears. But, if you enter IM, users with the last name of Smith do not appear.

Also, the search is case-insensitive, so MI produces the same results as mi.

See Also: Working with Membership Users

Editing Membership Users

To edit a membership user, follow these steps.

1. Access the View Membership User screen of the membership user you want to edit, as described in Viewing Membership User Information.

2. Click Edit ().

3. The Edit Membership User Information screen is displayed.

4. For a description of the fields on the screen, see Adding Membership Users.

5. Click Update ().

See Also: Working with Membership Users

Deleting Membership Users

To delete a membership user, follow these steps.

1. Access the View Membership User screen of the membership user you want to edit, as described in Viewing Membership User Information.

2. Click Delete ().

3. A confirmation message is displayed.

4. Click OK.

See Also: Working with Membership Users

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Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

Ektron Documentation,© 2011 Ektron, Inc.